Saturday, May 8, 2010

Sydney Jo

As promised, this entry is about my second beautiful girl, Sydney. Also known as Sydney Bean, Syddo, Syddo Biddo, Syd, Punkin and many more random nicknames, she is our entertainer. Sydney, too, was born wide awake and ready to take in the world. She was also born HUNGRY! This is a trait that continues to this day-when you feed her you better have plenty of food at hand whether it be Cheerios or something else. She will cry and cry if you don't shovel it in fast enough, or if she has eaten everything off her highchair tray and can't see the ones stuck in her little fist.
Sydney was not much of a cuddler really until recently. She has decided that she likes to snuggle up to us, and will give kisses. That doesn't mean that she isn't loving, though. She has a million-watt smile and a laugh that is so precious to hear. One of the things I love most about my Syddo is that nearly every morning she wakes me up with her silly babbles in her crib. She is a morning person for sure, which she certainly did not get from her mother! Or her father for that matter..hmmm.. ;)
Being that she is only one, she really doesn't have many "interests" at this stage in her life. She is a very very laid back baby, and easy to care for. She doesn't fuss a lot and will generally find something entertaining everywhere we go. She loves to take baths and splash her sister. She also loves books that have some sort of texture to them so she can "scratch" the pages. Some other Sydney faves: Strawberry cereal bars, chocolate Cheerios, Juicy Juice, Spongebob, Yo Gabba Gabba, trying to get to Mama's laptop cord (Eek!), and having a blanky to rub on her face. One thing she does not like is socks. You couldn't keep a pair of socks on her if it was twenty below. She gets that from her Mom-I would go barefoot all the time if I could.
Sydney and Madi get along pretty well most of the time, which I am savoring as I know that it won't last forever. Madi can always make Sydney laugh, and then they have giggle fits together which is undescribably awesome.
My worst fear is that Sydney will feel that she is on the backburner to Madi. While sometimes it may seem that way due to Madi's extra needs, she is always just as loved and wanted. That is part of the reason why I am doing this blog. I wanted Sydney to have something to look back on that wasn't just Madi's CaringBridge site. She is such a sweet and loving baby and we are very blessed to have her.

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